Printable Business Form Templates
Check Driving Record Business Form Template

ABC Business
123 Any St.
Anytown, CA 95928
(555) 555-1212

Department of Motor Vehicles
123 Government Dr.
Anytown, CA 95928

November 1, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:

For the purposes of potential employment, I would like to request a check of the driving records of the following person. Enclosed is a release form from the job applicant as well as a stamped, self-addressed envelope in which you can send the information to me.

[Job applicant name]
[Applicant address]
[Date of birth]
[Drivers' license number]

Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you need any more information to complete this request. My cell phone number is (555) 555-1212.


Bill Boss

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