Printable Business Form Templates
Workplace Safety Checklist Business Form Template

Workplace Safety Checklist

Fields: General, Workplace is clean and orderly, Hazardous objects/chemicals are clearly labeled, Hazardous objects/chemicals are properly stored, Exits are clear, accessible, and clearly marked, Floors, walls, ceiling, coverings are in good repair, Ventilation ducts are clean and clear, Eating/drinking areas are separated from work areas, Lighting levels are suitable for necessary work, Training, Employees have been given safety training, Safety handbooks are available to all employees, All employees know the building's evacuation plan, Employees know what to do in case of an accident, Training sessions are held regularly, Equipment, Equipment is clean and in good working order, All electrical cords are well-grounded, There is suitable ventilation, Personal protective equipment is available, Stopping mechanisms have been put in place, Fire/Earthquake, First aid supplies are accessible and clearly marked, Fire extinguishers are accessible and updated yearly, Sprinkler heads have an 18" clearance, Cabinets and shelves are at an adequate height, Cabinets/shelves over a certain height are secured to the wall, Loose materials are secured or bolted down, Fragile materials are securely locked down, Y, N, N/A, Comments

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